Список игр Super Nintendo для Dendy Gibrid 2380 игр

- 2020 Super Baseball
- 3 Ninjas Kick Back
- 7th Saga
- 90 Minutes - European Prime Goal
- Aaahh!!! Real Monsters
- ABC Monday Night Football
- ACME Animation Factory
- Acrobat Mission
- ActRaiser
- AD&D - Eye of the Beholder
- Addams Family
- Addams Family, The - Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt
- Adventures Of Batman & Robin
- Adventures of Dr. Franken
- Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends
- Adventures of Tintin, The - Prisoners of the Sun
- Aero Fighters
- Aero the Acro-Bat
- Aero the Acro-Bat 2
- Aerobiz
- Aerobiz Supersonic
- Aladdin
- Alien 3
- Alien Vs Predator
- All-American Championship Football
- Amazing Spider-Man
- American Gladiators
- Andre Agassi Tennis
- Animaniacs
- Ardy Lightfoot
- Asterix & Obelix
- Axelay
- B.O.B.
- Bahamut Lagoon
- Ballz 3D
- Batman Forever
- Batman Returns
- Battle Cars
- Battle Cross
- Battletoads in Battlemaniacs
- Biker Mice From Mars
- Bio Metal
- Blackthorne
- Blues Brothers
- Bobby's World
- Brain Lord
- Brainies
- Brawl Brothers
- Brutal - Paws of Fury
- Bubsy II
- Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind
- Bugs Bunny - Rabbit Rampage
- Bushi Seiryuuden - Futari no Yuusha
- Bust-A-Move
- California Games II
- Cannon Fodder
- Capcom's Soccer Shootout
- Captain Commando
- Captain Novolin
- Captain Tsubasa III
- Captain Tsubasa IV
- Captain Tsubasa V
- Castlevania - Vampire's Kiss
- Champions - World Class Soccer
- Championship Pool
- Chaos Engine
- Chavez
- Chessmaster
- Choplifter III
- Chrono Trigger
- Civilization
- Combatribes
- Contra III
- Cybernator
- Daffy Duck - The Marvin Missions
- Death and Return of Superman
- Demon's Crest
- Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf
- Dezaemon - Kaite Tsukutte Asoberu
- D-Force
- Dharma Doujou
- Dig & Spike Volleyball
- Dino City
- Dino Dini's Soccer
- Dolucky no A.League Soccer
- Dolucky no Puzzle Tour '94
- Donald Duck No Mahou No Boushi
- Donald in Maui Mallard
- Donkey Kong Country
- Donkey Kong Country 2
- Donkey Kong Country 3
- Double Dragon V
- Doomsday Warrior
- Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story
- Dragon View
- Dragon's Lair
- Drakkhen
- Dream TV
- Dungeon Master
- Dynamic Stadium
- E.V.O. Search for Eden
- Earthbound
- Earthworm Jim
- Earthworm Jim 2
- Eek! The Cat
- Elfaria II
- Elite Soccer
- Emmitt Smith Football
- Equinox
- ESPN Baseball Tonight
- ESPN National Hockey Night
- ESPN Speedworld
- F-1 Grand Prix
- F-1 Grand Prix Part II
- F-1 Grand Prix Part III
- F1 Pole Position 2
- F1 ROC - Race of Champions
- F1 World Championship Edition
- Faceball 2000
- Family Dog
- Family Feud
- Fatal Fury
- Fatal Fury 2
- Fatal Fury Special
- FIFA 97 - Gold Edition
- FIFA 98 - Road to World Cup
- FIFA International Soccer
- FIFA Soccer 96
- Final Fantasy II
- Final Fantasy III
- Final Fantasy V
- Final Fight
- Final Fight 2
- Final Fight 3
- Final Fight Guy
- Final Knockout
- Final Set Tennis
- Firepower 2000
- Firestriker
- First Samurai
- Flashback
- Flintstones - The Treasure Of Sierra Madrock
- Flintstones
- Flying Hero - Bugyuru No Daibouken
- Foreman For Real
- Frantic Flea
- Frogger
- Full Throttle - All-American Racing
- Fun 'N Games
- Game no Tetsujin - The Shangha
- Ganbare Daiku no Gensan
- Ganbare Goemon
- Ganbare Goemon 2
- Ganbare Goemon 3
- Genghis Khan II
- Genocide 2
- George Foreman's Ko Boxing
- Ghost Chaser Densei
- Ghoul Patrol
- Go Go Ackman
- Go Go Ackman 2
- Go Go Ackman 3
- Gods
- Gokujou Parodius
- Gon
- Goof Troop
- Gourmet Sentai
- GP-1
- GP-1 Part II
- Gradius III
- Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey & Minnie
- Great Waldo Search
- Gs Mikami - Joreishi Wa Nice Body
- GT Racing
- Gunforce
- Hagane
- Hakunetsu Pro Yakyuu '94 - Ganba League 3
- HAL's Hole in One Golf
- Hameln no Violin Hiki
- Hammerlock Wrestling
- Hanjuku Eiyuu - Aah Sekai yo Hanjuku Nare
- Hardball III
- Harley's Humongous Adventure
- Harvest Moon
- Hat Trick Hero 2
- Head-On Soccer
- Hebereke_no_Popuun
- Heisei Inu Monogatari Bow - Pop'n Smash!!
- Hiryuu no Ken S - Hyper Version
- Hit the Ice
- Holy Umbrella - Dondera no Mubo!!
- Home Alone 2 - Lost in New York
- Human Baseball
- Humans
- Hungry Dinosaurs
- Hunt for Red October
- Hurricanes
- Hyper Iria
- Hyper V-Ball
- HyperZone
- Ignition Factor
- Illusion of Time
- Incantation
- Incredible Hulk
- Indiana Jones' Greatest Adventures
- Inindo - Way of the Ninja
- Inspector Gadget
- International Superstar Soccer Deluxe
- International Tennis Tour
- Irem Skins Game
- Itchy & Scratchy Game
- Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings
- J.League Super Soccer
- J.League Super Soccer 95
- Jack Nicklaus Golf
- Jaki Crush
- Jaleco Rally - Big Run - The Supreme 4WD Challenge
- James Bond Jr
- James Pond's Crazy Sports
- Jammes
- Jelly Boy
- Jelly Boy 2
- Jeopardy! Sports Edition
- Jerry Boy
- Jetsons, The - Invasion of the Planet Pirates
- Jim Lee's WildC.A.T.S
- Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour
- Jimmy Houston's Bass Tournament U.S.A.
- Joe & Mac
- Joe & Mac 2 - Lost in the Tropics
- John Madden Football
- JRR Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings - Volume 1
- Judge Dredd
- Jungle Book
- Jurassic Park
- Justice League Task Force
- Kablooey
- Kamen Rider
- Keeper
- Kendo Rage
- Kevin Keegan's Player Manager
- Kick Off
- Kid Klown in Crazy Chase
- Killer Instinct
- King Arthur & The Knights of Justice
- King Arthur's World
- King of Dragons
- King of the Monsters
- King of the Monsters 2
- Kirby Super Star
- Kirby's Avalanche
- Kirby's Dream Course
- Kirby's Dream Land 3
- Kishin Douji Zenki - Battle Raiden
- Knights of the Round
- Krusty's Super Fun House
- Kunio no Oden
- Kyle Petty's No Fear Racing
- Lagoon
- Lamborghini American Challenge
- Last Action Hero
- Lawnmower Man
- Leading Jockey
- Legend of The Mystical Ninja
- Legend of Zelda, The - A Link to the Past
- Lemmings
- Lemmings 2 - The Tribes
- Lethal Enforcers
- Lethal Weapon
- Liberty or Death
- Lion King
- Lost Vikings II
- Lost Vikings
- Lucky Luke
- Lufia & The Fortress of Doom
- Lufia II - Rise of the Sinistrals
- Lupin III - Densetsu no Hihou wo Oe!
- Madden NFL '96
- Magic Boy
- Magic Johnson's Super Slam Dunk
- Magic Sword
- Magical Drop
- Magical Drop 2
- Magical Pop'n
- Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse
- Makeruna! Makendou 2
- Manchester United Championship Soccer
- Mario is Missing!
- Mario's Time Machine
- Mark Davis' The Fishing Master
- Marvel Super Heroes - War of the Gems
- Mask
- Math Blaster - Episode 1
- Mechwarrior 3050
- Mega lo Mania
- Mega Man VII
- Mega Man X
- Mega Man X 2
- Mega Man X 3
- Mega Man's Soccer
- Melfand Stories
- Metal Marines
- Metal Morph
- Metal Warriors
- Michael Jordan - Chaos in the Windy City
- Mickey Mania
- Mickey no Tokyo Disneyland Daibouken
- Mickey to Donald - Magical Adventure 3
- Mickey's Ultimate Challenge
- Micro Machines
- Micro Machines 2 - Turbo Tournament
- Might and Magic III - Isles of Terra
- Mighty Max
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie
- Miracle Girls
- Miracle Piano Teaching System
- MoHawk & Headphone Jack
- Monopoly
- Mortal Kombat
- Mortal Kombat 3
- Mr. Do!
- Mr. Nutz
- Mr. Tuff
- Ms. Pac-Man
- Musya
- Mutant Chronicles - Doom Troopers
- Nakajima Satoru F-1 Hero '94
- Nankoku Shounen Papuwa-kun
- Natsuki Crisis Battle
- NBA All-Star Challenge
- NBA Give 'N Go
- NBA Hang Time
- NBA Jam
- NBA Jam - Tournament Edition
- NBA Live '95
- NBA Live '96
- NBA Showdown
- NCAA Basketball
- NCAA Final Four Basketball
- Network Q Rally
- Newman-Hass Indy Car Featuring Nigel Mansell
- NFL Quarterback Club
- NHL '94
- NHLPA Hockey '93
- Nichibutsu Arcade Classics
- Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing
- Ninja Gaiden Trilogy
- Ninja Warriors
- No Escape
- Nobunaga's Ambition
- Nosferatu
- Obitus
- Olympic Summer Games 96
- On the Ball
- Operation Europe - Path to Victory 1939-45
- Operation Logic Bomb
- Operation Thunderbolt
- Oraga Land Shusai - Best Farmer Shuukaku-Sai
- Oscar
- Ossu!! Karatebu
- Otoboke Ninja Colosseum
- Out to Lunch
- Pac-Attack
- Pacific Theater of Operations
- Pac-in-Time
- Pac-Man 2 - The New Adventures
- Pagemaster
- Panic in Nakayoshi World
- Paperboy 2
- Parodius - Non-Sense Fantasy
- Peace Keepers
- Pebble Beach Golf Links
- Phalanx - The Enforce Fighter A-144
- Pieces
- Pilotwings
- Pinball Dreams
- Pinball Fantasies
- Pink Panther in Pink Goes to Hollywood
- Pinocchio
- Pipe Dream
- Pit Fighter
- Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure
- Pocky & Rocky
- Pocky & Rocky 2
- Poko-Nyan! Henpokorin Adventure
- Popeye - Ijiwaru Majo Sea Hag no Maki
- Pop'n Twinbee
- Pop'n Twinbee - Rainbow Bell Adventures
- Populous
- Populous II
- Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday
- Power Drive
- Power Instinct
- Power Lode Runner
- Power Monger
- Power Moves
- Prehistorik Man
- Primal Rage
- Prime
- Prince of Persia
- Prince of Persia 2
- Pro Quarterback
- Pro Sport Hockey
- Pro Yakyuu Nettou
- Psycho Dream
- Push-Over
- Puzzle'n Desu!
- Q-Bert 3
- Race Drivin'
- Radical Rex
- Raiden Trad
- Ranma 1-2
- Ranma Nibunnoichi - Chougi Ranbu Hen
- Rap Jam - Volume One
- Realm
- Rejoice - Aretha Oukoku no Kanata
- Relief Pitcher
- Ren & Stimpy Show, The - Buckeroos!
- Ren & Stimpy Show, The - Fire Dogs
- Ren & Stimpy Show, The - Veediots
- Rendering Ranger R2
- Res Arcana - Diana Ray - Uranai no Meikyuu
- Revolution X
- Rex Ronan - Experimental Surgeon
- Riddick Bowe Boxing
- Rise of the Phoenix
- Rival Turf
- Road Riot 4WD
- Road Runner
- Robocop 3
- Robotrek
- Rocketeer
- Rockman & Forte
- Rocko's Modern Life - Spunky's Dangerous Day
- Romance of the Three Kingdoms II
- Romance of the Three Kingdoms III
- Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV
- R-Type III - The Third Lightning
- Run Saber
- Ryuuko no Ken 2
- Samurai Shodown
- Sanrio Shanghai
- Sanrio World Smash Ball!
- Saturday Night Slam Masters
- Scooby-Doo
- SD Hiryuu no Ken
- SD Kidou Senshi Gundam - V Sakusen Shidou
- SD Kidou Senshi Gundam 2
- SD The Great Battle
- Secret Of Mana
- Seifuku Densetsu Pretty Fighter
- Sengoku Denshou
- Shadowrun
- Shanghai II - Dragon's Eye
- Shaq Fu
- Shijou Saikyou League Serie A - Ace Striker
- Shin Kidou Senki Gundam W - Endless Due
- Side Pocket
- Sim Ant
- Sim City
- Sim City 2000
- Sim Earth - The Living Planet
- Simpsons, The - Bart's Nightmare
- Skuljagger - Revolt of the Westicans
- Sky Blazer
- Smurfs 2
- Snow White in Happily Ever After
- Soccer Kid
- Soldiers of Fortune
- Sonic Blast Man
- Sonic Blast Man II
- Sougou Kakutougi - Astral Bout
- Sougou Kakutougi - Astral Bout 2
- Sougou Kakutougi Rings - Astral Bout 3
- Soul Blazer
- Space Ace
- Space Football - One on One
- Space Megaforce
- Spanky's Quest
- Sparkster
- Spawn
- Spectre
- Speedy Gonzales - Los Gatos Bandidos
- Spell Craft
- Spider-Man
- Spirou
- Spriggan Powered
- Star Fox
- Star Fox 2
- Star Trek - Deep Space Nine - Crossroads of Time
- Star Trek - The Next Generation - Future's Past
- Stargate
- Sterling Sharpe - End 2 End
- Steven Seagal is The Final Option Demo
- Stone Protectors
- Street Combat
- Street Fighter II - The World Warrior
- Street Fighter II Turbo - Hyper Fighting
- Street Hockey '95
- Street Racer
- Strike Gunner
- Sunset Riders
- Supapoon
- Supapoon DX
- Super Adventure Island
- Super Adventure Island II
- Super Air Diver 2
- Super Alfred Chicken
- Super Back to the Future Part II
- Super Baseball Simulator
- Super Bases Loaded 3
- Super Battleship
- Super Battletank
- Super Battletank 2
- Super BC Kid
- Super Bikkuriman
- Super Black Bass
- Super Bomberman 2
- Super Bomberman 3
- Super Bombliss
- Super Bowling
- Super Buster Bros.
- Super Caesars Palace
- Super Castlevania IV
- Super Chase H.Q.
- Super Conflict - The Mideast
- Super Dany
- Super Double Dragon
- Super Drift Out
- Super Earth Defense Force
- Super F1 Circus
- Super F1 Circus 3
- Super Family Gelaende
- Super Fishing - Big Fight
- Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts
- Super Goal!
- Super Goal! 2
- Super Godzilla
- Super Gussun Oyoyo
- Super Gussun Oyoyo 2
- Super High Impact
- Super Ice Hockey
- Super Indy Champ
- Super International Cricket
- Super James Pond II
- Super Mad Champ
- Super Mario Kart
- Super Mario RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars
- Super Mario World
- Super Mario World 2
- Super Metroid
- Super Morph
- Super Ninja Boy
- Super Ninja-kun
- Super Nova
- Super Off Road - The Baja
- Super Oozumou Netsusen Daiichiban
- Super R-Type
- Super Shadow of the Beast
- Super Slapshot
- Super Smash T.V
- Super Punch-Out!!
- Super Puyo Puyo
- Super Soccer Champ
- Super Solitaire
- Super Soukoban
- Super Star Wars
- Super Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back
- Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers
- Super Strike Eagle
- Super Tekkyuu Fight!
- Super Tennis
- Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss
- Super Tetris 3
- Super Troll Islands
- Super Turrican 2
- Super Valis IV
- Super Wagyan Land
- Super Wagyan Land 2
- Super Widget
- Suzuka 8 Hours
- SWAT Kats - The Radical Squadron
- Syndicate
- Syvalion
- T2 - The Arcade Game
- Tecmo Super Baseball
- Tecmo Super NBA Basketball
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles IV
- Tenryuu Genichiro no Pro Wrestling Revolution
- Terminator 2 - Judgment Day
- Terminator
- Tetris & Dr. Mario
- Tetris 2
- Tetris Attack
- Tetris Battle Gaiden
- Tetsuwan Atom
- Theme Park
- Thunder Spirits
- Time Trax
- Timecop
- TimeSlip
- Timon & Pumbaa's Jungle Games
- Tinhead
- Tiny Toon Adventures - Buster Busts Loose!
- Tiny Toon Adventures - Wacky Sports Challenge
- Tko Super Championship Boxing
- TNN Bass Tournament of Champions
- Tom & Jerry
- Tony Meola's Sidekicks Soccer
- Top Gear
- Top Gear 2
- Toy Story
- Toys
- Troy Aikman NFL Football
- True Lies
- Tsuppari Oozumou - Risshinshusse
- Tsuyoshi Shikkarai Shinasai - Taisen Puzzle-dama
- Tuff E Nuff
- Turn and Burn - No-Fly Zone
- Twisted Tales of Spike McFang
- U.N. Squadron
- Uchuu no Kishi - Tekkaman Blade
- Uchuu Race - Astro Go! Go!
- Ultima - Runes of Virtue II
- Ultima - The Black Gate
- Ultima VI - The False Prophet
- Ultimate Fighter
- Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
- Umihara Kawase
- Uncharted Waters
- Undercover Cops
- Universal Soldier
- Untouchables
- Urban Strike
- Ushio to Tora
- Utopia - The Creation of a Nation
- Vegas Stakes
- Virtual Soccer
- Waialae Country Club
- Wakataka Oozumou - Yume no Kyodai Taiketsu
- Wario's Woods
- Warlock
- Wayne Gretzky and the NHLPA All-Stars
- Wayne's World
- WCW Super Brawl Wrestling
- Whirlo
- Whizz
- Wild Guns
- WildSnake
- Wing Commander
- Wing Commander - The Secret Missions
- Wings 2 - Aces High
- Winter Extreme Skiing and Snowboarding
- Winter Olympic Games - Lillehammer '94
- Wizard of Oz
- Wolf Child
- Wolfenstein 3d
- Wolverine - Adamantium Rage
- Wordtris
- World Cup Striker
- World Cup USA 94
- World Heroes
- World Masters Golf
- World Soccer
- World Soccer 94 - Road to Glory
- Wrecking Crew '98
- WWF Royal Rumble
- WWF Super WrestleMania
- WWF WrestleMania
- Xardion
- X-Kaliber 2097
- X-Men - Mutant Apocalypse
- Yamaneko Bubsy no Daibouken
- Yoshi's Cookie
- Young Merlin
- Ys III - Wanderers From Ys
- Yu Yu Hakusho - Tokubetsu Hen
- Yu Yu Hakusho Final - Makai Saikyou Retsuden
- Yuu Yuu Hakusho 2 - Kakutou no Shou
- Zenkoku Koukou Soccer
- Zen-Nihon GT Senshuken
- Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel
- Zico Soccer
- Zombies Ate My Neighbors
- Zool